Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Developing Your Internal CEO

By Pablo J. Perez, Executive and Corporate Coach

How can I get more control over my decisions? How can I improve my personal results faster? When can I reach my dreams? What is needed to get there?

Sometimes it is difficult to find the answers to these questions. However, there is a pathfinder formula that will lead you to a response. Everything starts with that little voice in your head, the “internal CEO” that governs the actions and decisions that will guide your future outcomes.

Let’s start by defining the term “development.” According to the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, the definition of development is:
  • The act or process of going from the simple or basic to the complex or advanced Synonyms elaboration, evolution, expansion, growth, progress, progression
  • A condition or occurrence traceable to a cause

The process of becoming mature.

Personal development implies a deep self-evaluation; a complete review of your personal desires and dreams and a comparison between the “wish to be” and the “what I am.”

There is a mathematical axiom which states that “the whole is equal to the sum of its parts.” Similarly, your growth as a person depends on your ability to examine the parts of your life to see if they add up to the total person you want to be.

The “life wheel” is composed of the areas that together form the “internal CEO” (see graph one). The difficult task is that the wheel should be “balanced” for a smooth and comfortable journey, and the “pressure” in each area of the wheel depends on your desires, priorities and needs. Every area is always open to further development, depending on the different stages in your life, and should be checked periodically.

The successful development of your “internal CEO” will help you succeed on your own terms, developing a positive attitude, improving your interpersonal skills, and last but not least, enhancing your goal achievement rate.

Now, I would like to give you three assignments which to help you evaluate how your “internal CEO” is progressing so far.

  • List the benefits for you as an individual and for your organization of having a balanced wheel.
  • List the consequences for you as an individual and for your organization of NOT having a balanced wheel.
  • List the last 10 personal goals you set and achieved during the last 12 months.

    Once your lists are completed, the next step is to set goals and establish priorities for each area of your “life wheel,” turning your general ideas into specific goals that you can begin planning.

    Taking Action:

    Williams James, the father of American psychology, said: “The greatest discovery of the Twentieth Century is the fact that human beings have the ability to change their attitudes.”

    If we control our “internal CEO” and choose the goals we want to achieve in each area of our life wheel, we will receive the rewards of success. Having and achieving your own definition of balance in the areas of ethics and beliefs, mental, social, physical, financial, and family life will allow you to dramatically improve your results and your goal achievement rate.

    As an Executive Coach, I help individuals and organizations develop better attitudes more rapidly and produce more satisfying results. I work with my clients in all areas, including business, career, finances, time management, productivity, employee motivation, and relationships. As a result of coaching, clients set better goals, take more action, make better decisions, and more fully use their natural strengths.

    If you wish to explore deeper into the subjects contained in this article, please call Activate Group at (305)722-7215, or send an e-mail to

    Reference and excerpts taken with permission from Leadership published by Resource Associates Corporation.


Raizu said...

Now a days I am working and analyzing the best executive coach for some coaching about my career improvement. During my work I just go though your post which is really interesting and encouraging for learners. I also feel some time conditions in career are harder than me. But it couldn't stop me to get better my career.

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